Category Archives: Veeam

Quick Tips for Veeam Startup Users

To find out best configuration for your structure you have to test yourself many options but i would like to give you some tips
Also pls share your knowledge with your commands

Don’t wait much more things from Dedup

After some tests i saw that Dedup is not working perfect on veeam still compression is best option
To get result Veeam recommend ; Use latest version of Veeam Software, put more more more VM in one job 1-2 VM is not a solution, to get better dedup pls try dedup friendly compression option and/or use Target as a WAN but its can effect backup time and set your repo settings Align backup file data blocks and Decompress backup data before storing but don’t forget this will cause you eat much more space then compression

Looks like compression only backup is best

Pls disable on repo settings Align backup file data blocks and Decompress backup data before storing and if you would not use dedup pls disable inline dedup option

More proxy server more cpu power for better task and backup utilization

In Veeam environment its looks like better to have cpu which have more core , a easy formula 2 core for each task or process , for more task and concurent process need to have proxy more core and more proxy

Don’t forget the VMTools SYNC option activated on Linux VMs

if you care about Mysql aware backup or VSS like option on Linux pls control your vmtools installation because default a SYNC option comes no and EXPERIMENTAL.

Be aware that Veeam Support PowerShell its give you a great functionality to have your own self portal and ability to create your own multi-tenancy environment 

if possible use SAN Transport Model

if possible manage your repo writes and care about backup system , its good that veeam have a report option and see where is the bottleneck, i guess its not possible always to solve the problem on source side but its good to have it 

if possible use HP Lefthand 🙂 aaa very interesting that why Veeam introduce a new feature of read VMware and Hyper-V data from only HP Lefthand snapshots, hope they can support more more storage vendor in shortly


Be sure SQL logs are truncated when using Veeam backup

To be sure that application aware backup really truncate sql logs file pls fallow

First on log files of Veeam backup you can not find such information %allusersprofile%\Veeam\Backup

You have to go Windows logs , Applications tab , source should be MSSQLSERVER

You should see first process like below

I/O is frozen on database DB1. No user action is required. However, if I/O is not resumed promptly, you could cancel the backup.

Then this

I/O was resumed on database DB1. No user action is required.

Backup Process

Database backed up. Database: DB1, creation date(time): 2012/12/07(14:59:40), pages dumped: 9665, first LSN: 519:339:1, last LSN: 519:341:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=VIRTUAL_DEVICE: {‘{5A6DFFD2-352D-4329-BB2F-5E95F3064ADB}1’}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

And log truncation process

Log was backed up. Database: DB1, creation date(time): 2012/12/07(14:59:40), first LSN: 346:177:1, last LSN: 519:351:1, number of dump devices: 1, device information: (FILE=1, TYPE=DISK: {‘NUL’}). This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

If someone know to check with other way pls add a command.